
1.Why do I write? I love writing. It’s part of me. My dad used to write articles for newspapers so I believe I inherited some of his interest in writing and publication. Now I want to write all of the time. 

2. How do I get inspired? I find it a bit peculiar that my best story ideas come to me in the middle of the night. The story starts forming in my head and before I know it I wake up. I need to write down everything right away because if I go back to sleep in the morning the story has evaporated completely. So now I keep a pad of paper and a pen on my nightstand so that I don’t lose precious ‘gems’. 

3. What do I hope readers will gain from my books? As a writer of children’s picture books, I want to see all children represented in my books. As a Hispanic author I also want Hispanic children to find themselves in my books. Despite any differences, I truly believe all humans are basically the same. By seeing themselves in my books, Hispanic kids can feel more confident they can be anything they want. In addition, by seeing Hispanic kids in my books, non-Hispanic children can understand them better and realize that despite our differences, humans are basically the same. 

4. Future Plans – The most important plan I have for 2023 is to find the agent who can represent me the best. I’d like to create a ‘dream team’ with this person who will champion my stories and with whom I can maintain an honest and supportive relationship.  
5. Advice for writers – Learn, learn, learn. Learn by reading books in your genre, learn by reading books about how to improve your writing, learn by watching webinars, and certainly learn by listening to and accepting advice from your critique partners.